Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My view of the book

I'm finally done with Be More Chill. It was ok but it really doesnt have an ending. It sort of just ends. He doesnt get a girlfriend doesnt get anything really just his 1st kiss and goes to a party and almost has sex. But i'm not gonna go into details. If you want a decent book to read go ahead and read this

Friday, September 19, 2008

Book setting

I am still reading Be More Chill. Right now in the book Jeremy is at a party and is becoming more popular. He has a couple of girls wanting him and some of the jocks respecting him. Anyway at this party at this kids house he is about to do this chick then her boy friend walks in and comes after Jeremy. After awhile he stops chasing him and Jeremy goes back to the party.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Character traits

The book I'm reading now is Be More Chill. This book is about a kid named Jeremy who is a loser to say the least. He finds out about this super small computer that helps him be cooler. It is in a pill that you take then once its in your bloodstream it makes its way to your brain. He soon finds out that making cooler new friends means that he will lose his loser old friends. My personal thoughts about Jeremy is that he is lame. He trys to talk to this girl that he likes but ends up making her mad or sounding like a total loser. There is no description about him just that he looks ugly and nerdy. So finding friends will be harder then it seems. The co-main character is the Squip (the computer in his brain) i guess.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Favorite Book

My favorite book right now is Orange Code. You think I would know the author of my favorite book but no I have idea who it is. It is about this kid who finds smallpox scabs in an envolope. He uses them for his diseases paper but starts to develop smallpox symptoms. Terriosts find out about him and steal Minney (the main character) to end existence of they world by giving everyone smallpox. But after Minney escapes he passes out from the symptoms and is takin to the hospital. After meny tests it is found that he does not have smallpox and lives.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Myself as a reader

some of the best books I've read teachers have gave to me instead of picking them myself. If i can't find a book I usally ask a teacher on some of their favorites and read them. Most of them have been pretty good.

About Me

I'm 5'5", I'm mixed, athletic and smart