Friday, September 12, 2008

Character traits

The book I'm reading now is Be More Chill. This book is about a kid named Jeremy who is a loser to say the least. He finds out about this super small computer that helps him be cooler. It is in a pill that you take then once its in your bloodstream it makes its way to your brain. He soon finds out that making cooler new friends means that he will lose his loser old friends. My personal thoughts about Jeremy is that he is lame. He trys to talk to this girl that he likes but ends up making her mad or sounding like a total loser. There is no description about him just that he looks ugly and nerdy. So finding friends will be harder then it seems. The co-main character is the Squip (the computer in his brain) i guess.


Hannah said...

Wow. I would sincerely hate being around that person when he added that pill into his bloodstream. for one, if i was the one that he joined after the pill, they're just being liked because of the pill, and not because he really enjoys being around them. And if I was one of the people that was freinds with him before, I'd hate it too, because I wouldn't be freiends with hime anymore. It would be like I just dissapeared into thin air.

D anator said...

He has symtoms for small pocks i wuold not want to be around him. Or you loser

J. Pingrey said...

Make sure you change the font color for your comments- right now it's black on a black background, which doesn't work! I started reading this book, and felt the same way about Jeremy. I can understand the pressure to be popular and have a lot of friends, but what's the point if the people don't like who you really are? I would be really interested in hearing about the Squip. Is it like a computer with it's own mind? Robot-like? I am very curious!

Josh Humble said...

This book sounds really interesting but im wondering how a computer can be inside a pill and then make u cooler.

About Me

I'm 5'5", I'm mixed, athletic and smart