Friday, October 24, 2008

Book Review

I am currently reading Maximum Ride. The main characters are Max, the leader of the group. Shes smart, fast, strong, and is half human-half bird. The second main character is Fang. He is the outcast of the group. He's fast, strong and just weird. He doesn't really fit in. The book takes place in many places. Like the part I'm at now, they are in Germany. And earlier in the book they were in Arizona. So really the setting is all over the world. The plot is that the kids try to save the world by stopping the people that made them the way they are. So they go to many places trying to stop the leader of the group and stop him. But the leader turns out to be a girl and Max's mom. Later on she learns that she is not her real mom and Max gets really confused. 3 reasons I wouldn't recommend this book is because its the third book in the series. It's way to long. And it gets confusing.


D anator said...

IF i could be in a book it might be this one beacuse i like to travel and powers. Haveing to stop your creators is going to be hard

☼X§Marvin§X☼ said...

Thats awsome that the setting goes all around the world. That must be a very interesting book for it to talk about creatures and different parts of the world.

Hannah said...

i agree with d anator in the fact that stopping the creaters is going to be hard due to the fact that your creators know everything about you, you can't hind any of yourself from them, they knew you, before you even knew yourself.
that books sound uber confusalicious.

Hannah said...

no marvin, i just think it's confusing, but germany is awesome. have you even been there?

Mr.Treadway said...

i agree with him if i could be in a book it would be this one beacuse i like to travel and powers.

barney the big purple dinasaur said...

Dude thats tight. it tells alot of things that happen around the book. but it seems confusing about the whole stopping your own creator thing

About Me

I'm 5'5", I'm mixed, athletic and smart