Friday, October 10, 2008

What I wuld Change

if I culd change one thing in the book (maximum ride) it wuld be that the group of kids wuld not split up. The group wuld be wuld be and is stronger wen they are together. It was stupid the way they split. One member didnt like the new guy so he left with a couple others. Instead of letting them ( Fang, Gazzy and Iggy) go the others go they (Max, Nudge, Angel, Ari and Total) shulda went after them. It would make the book better cause then the book wuld be shorter. (itz to long)


D anator said...

It is what the school says "safty in numbers then why not listen"?

☼X§Marvin§X☼ said...

you would only change that so the book would be shorter? i would too

Josh Humble said...

yeah cuz i got wat you meant bout sticken together kno wat im sayin but yeah good post.

Hannah said...

whatever jared. changing a book to be shorter is lame, if you don't like the length or how the author is writing, just don't read it.

J. Pingrey said...

Is it too long, and therefore doesn't keep your attention, or is is too long and you just don't want to spend the time reading it? I think there is a difference there.

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I'm 5'5", I'm mixed, athletic and smart